But, I'm going to go ahead and make this post now:
One of my bigger projects, honestly, is working on my three blogs. (Okay, so if you count all of my side Tumblogs, I have WAY more than three. But all I do with those sides is click reblog. So, there is that).
I have my main Tumblog: Faithliesin-me.us
Currently, I am working on retagging all of my writing on there. That's taking a lot longer than you might think. I'm on my third or fourth day of it already, and I'm only, maybe, a third of the way done. But I'm going to feel soooo good when it is done!
And when it is done, I must finish working on my writing links. TBH, those go on here, but they're linked straight to my Tumblr theme.
And I forgot to link my new blog to my Tumblog!
Most of my work for my Tumblog is actually on my iPod SOBSOBSOB.
And that is my book quote edits.
And I cannot lose those.
And I am praying hard that I haven't lost them.
Pray with me, please!
This is the second blog I am now working on.
I need to finish my links. I thought I was finished the other day, but, nahh, I remembered a couple more links I need to add. So, I'll try to do that within the next couple of days.
I still need to come up with some writing routines for myself that I'm going to post on here.
And I made up a list of different types of post I want to make regularly on here:
Writing updates.
And I don't know why I can't post some of my own writing scenes.
I'm going to continue my black & white picture stories.
I've got the posts about hot drinks to accompany writing.
And I've got the posts about music to accompany writing.
And when I get my iPod back, I can finally start posting my writing tips that I've been working so hard on. Only, I clearly think I'm Jar Jar Binks, because this is what I actually wrote in my notes:
My last blog is my new blog, Aargh. I made the list of regular posts, but I'm not going to post those on here.
And then I have my fiction writing.
I'm working on four fanfictions (it took me a (lot more than a) minute to remember the fourth one without my iPod, but I finally managed).
I don't normally write fanfiction. Usually, when I do, it's an alternate or extra ending.
And that just so happens to be what three of my current fanfictions are.
One of them, I just cannot tell you because it's a Christmas present for someone who might read this!
The other two are:
ABC Family's Twisted,
and Descendants!
My final fanfiction project is more along the lines of rewriting my favorite book series using my original characters, instead. I think it could be fun.
We'll just have to see if I can get any of these projects done.
It took me a while to count up all of my original fiction projects, because I'm so used to having all of them right there in the palm of my hand on my iPod. But I gathered up all of my journals, and my courage, and I counted them all up. And, yeah. There are twenty.
I never did put my last completed novel through it's final edit, so first, there's that.
I need to re-edit Yen's Revenge in the same manner that I did A Winged Dreamer.
I need to trim seven novels into a trilogy.
And then I need to write:
Regarding Katrina,
Momentary Magic,
Quite Contrary,
In Between Fairytales,
Small Bumps,
and two books that don't yet have names. (And if you want to know what any of these books are about, please feel free to ask me, I'd love to let you know!)
My final fiction project is taking an experience that was really great in my life, and making it into a fictional story. That's going to end up going onto my new blog.
And then, of course, there's all of the therapy work from the past three years that I still need to organize. But I really don't care too much about that.
Now I just need to come up with some really good routines.
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