Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week One of Routines.

Since I'm probably going to be without my iPod for the next week, I went ahead and made up a routine that'll carry me through to Saturday. And it's all about working on my fiction. (Tomorrow I'm just going to spend the day reading. So I didn't worry about making a routine for it.) Tuesday: Regarding Katrina outlines. I also need to write Annabelle's report for school, and make up Jay's journal (not necessarily all on Tuesday). Wednesday: Momentary Magic outlines. Thursday: Quite Contrary outlines. By day. By hour. Colorless: Outlines. And I need to figure out all of the different colors. Don't worry. That makes sense to me. In Between Fairytales: Outline. Figure out the fairytales. Small Bumps: Outline. Write a whole bunch of character letters. I may also grant you all the special treat of posting snippets of each of these books during these days. And maybe with my books' help, I can get through this week waiting for the new battery for my iPod. I made an extra little note on my routine list, that I may as well put here: Read through/proof Mave & Marti, try for anytime I'm on the computer. Re-edit Yen's Revenge like I did AWD. Re-edit the AWD trilogy like that too. BUT I want to work on the TMI fanfiction first - or do it all one book at a time. I think that'll be pretty cool. And it'll be a challenge to help me really get to know my characters.

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